Natyakalavisharada M.C. Mahadevaswamy
Natyakalavisharada M.C. Mahadevaswamy
The book gives glimpses into the life of Sri M. C. Mahadevaswamy, a doyen of Kannada Dramas. He worked for the Gubbi Theatrical Company for many years and later established his own drama company called “Kannada Theatres Private Ltd.” Sri Mahadevaswamy travelled throughout South India and established contacts with popular dramatists. He was conferred the title of “Natyakalavisharada” by the Maharaja of Mysuru for his contributions to the field of drama. Prof. M. Nataraja, Retired Principal, Sarada Vilas College, Mysuru has depicted the stories of Sri Mahadevaswamy in an engrossing manner.
Product Details
Author:Prof. M. Nataraja
Price:Rs. 40