About JSS Ayurveda Medical College:
An Ayurveda Medical College in Mysuru was established by JSSMVP in 1996, to deal with human ailments in terms of clinical care, medical education and research. Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing system with historical roots in India. Besides, this ancient diagnostic and treatment method is gaining popularity in recent times. The institution is well-equipped with best in class infrastructure. Both Central Council for Indian Medicine and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences recognizes the courses offered by the College.
Courses offered:
The College offers a bachelor’s degree (BAMS) in Ayurvedic Medicine Science and Surgery and Postgraduate degree programs in Swasthavritta, Shalytantra, Rasashastra, Dravyaguna and Panchakarma. JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru has been granted accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Health Care Providers (NABH). Also, the College provides research (innovative and globally accepted programs) and other activities and programs which creates more significant opportunities for all-round development; 100% audio visualized and clinical case-based learning is unique at JSS Ayurveda Medical College.
Ayurveda College operates from a new building having an area of 75,000 sq. Ft., located on Lalithadri Road, in Alanahalli Layout of Mysuru city. The new building was inaugurated by Sri Swami Baba Ramdev, Divya Yoga Mandira, Haridwar, and Sri Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Esha Foundation, Coimbatore, in the gracious presence of His Holiness Sri Shivaratri Deshikendra Swamiji.
Activities/Workshops organized by the College:
The College has a dedicated team of 41 teaching and 26 non-teaching staff. The total strength of students studying in various semesters during the year is around 200. The College had organized four CME workshops and 24 medical camps, which benefitted 3,655 people. A sum of Rs.248.38 lakhs recurring expenditure and Rs. 57.84 lakhs non-recurring expenditure were incurred. The Rasashastra Postgraduate Division of the College had organized a two-day workshop titled ‘Arogya Vardhini-2012′ on 10th and 11th of March 2012. It was inaugurated by the then Minister for Health, Govt. of Karnataka Sri S.A.Ramadas.
For more info visit jssayurvedacollege.orgwebsite