Shiva Sutras
“Shiva Sutra” is a collection of seventy-seven aphorisms (a concise statement on a principle that expresses wisdom or truth) on Dhyana (Meditation). It is said to be written by a Kashmiri scholar, Vasugupta, who belonged to the 10th century. Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji of Jnanayogashrama, Vijayapura translated the work from Sanskrit to English and wrote a commentary on Sutras. The book was released by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi at Sri Suttur Math, Mysuru.
Product Details
Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price:Ordinary- Rs. 200; Special- Rs. 400
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price:Ordinary- Rs. 200; Special- Rs. 400