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Kyathanahalli Sahukar Siddalingaiah

Kyathanahalli Sahukar Siddalingaiah


This book is a biography of Sri Kyathanahalli Sahukar Siddalingaiah, a philanthropist and a spiritual being of yester years. Sri Siddalingaiah was a Zamindar from Kyathanahalli village, who later turned to spirituality and became a disciple of HH Sri Manthra Maharshi Mahaswamiji of Sri Suttur Math. He was very rich and generously donated for the welfare of the common people. The author of the book, Sri G.M. Shivaprasad, is a teacher at JSS High School, Kyathanahalli. In this book, he has illustrated the life of Sri Siddalingaiah in an interesting way.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri G.M. Shivaprasad
Price:Rs. 40
2022-11-10T10:42:18+00:00November 10th, 2022|

Shiva Sutras

Shiva Sutras


“Shiva Sutra” is a collection of seventy-seven aphorisms (a concise statement on a principle that expresses wisdom or truth) on Dhyana (Meditation). It is said to be written by a Kashmiri scholar, Vasugupta, who belonged to the 10th century. Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji of Jnanayogashrama, Vijayapura translated the work from Sanskrit to English and wrote a commentary on Sutras. The book was released by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi at Sri Suttur Math, Mysuru.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price:Ordinary- Rs. 200; Special- Rs. 400
2022-11-10T10:39:30+00:00November 10th, 2022|

Narada Bhakti Sutras

Narada Bhakti Sutras


As the name suggests, it is a compilation of aphorisms (a concise statement on a principle that expresses wisdom or truth) on “Bhakti” by Sage Narada. It is not certain whether the Narada referred here is the same figure that we find in Puranas. However, this scripture is attributed to the 12th century. This work helps the Sadhakas and readers to explore the path of bhakti or devotion.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price:Ordinary Rs. 200; Special Rs. 400
2022-11-10T10:36:55+00:00November 10th, 2022|

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Patanjali Yoga Sutras


Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a collection of aphorisms (a concise statement on a principle that expresses wisdom or truth) on the practice of Yoga in Sanskrit language. It is said to have been compiled by Sage Patanjali centuries ago. The Yoga Sutras are divided into four chapters and spread over 196 aphorisms. Sri Siddheswara Swamiji of Jnanayogashrama, Vijayapura has written commentary on these aphorisms in a simple and lucid manner. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and Swami Ramdev of Patanjali Yogapeeth have shared their messages about the book.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price: Ordinary Rs. 300; Special Rs. 500
2022-11-10T10:34:32+00:00November 10th, 2022|

The Heritage of Sri Suttur Math

The Heritage of Sri Suttur Math


This book is a revised edition of “The Heritage of Suttur Math” published in 1980. The first edition (by the same author) was a small book with minimum information on Sri Suttur Math, whereas, this edition, comprises information about past and present contributions of Sri Suttur Math to religious, socio-economic, and educational fields. The author is a Former Professor of English at one of the JSS Institutions.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Prof. Chandrashekaraiah
Price: Rs.300
2022-11-10T10:31:21+00:00November 10th, 2022|

Sadhana – Path of Liberation

 Sadhana – Path of Liberation


This is a speech delivered by Sri. M, the founder of the Satsang Foundation at the 10th Golden Jubilee Endowment, published in the form of a book. Sri. M is a spiritual guide, social reformer, and educationist. Born in a Muslim family in Kerala, he studied Hindu scriptures through Guruparampare. In his lecture, he spoke about different schools of philosophy and the attainment of liberation (moksha). The book also comprises speeches by two other prominent personalities i.e., Dr N. K. Venkataramana, Founder Chairman & Chief Neurosurgeon, Brains Neuro Spine Hospital, Bengaluru and Dr N. Muthu Kumar, President & Executive Director, Meritor HVS India Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru.

Product Details

Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri M
Price: Rs.50
2022-11-10T10:28:19+00:00November 10th, 2022|

Online Training Program on Terrace Gardening Conducted by ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Suttur

Suttur, November 8, 2022: The ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Suttur, organized a highly informative online training program focused on Terrace Gardening. The session aimed to empower participants with knowledge about balanced food groups, the significance of fruits and vegetables, the adverse effects of excessive chemical and pesticide usage in crop cultivation, the advantages of kitchen and terrace gardening, various methods of terrace gardening, availability of seeds and plants, essential implements, terrace gardening mapping, types of greens, vegetables, and fruits suitable for cultivation, medicinal plants, their nutrients and uses, and their integration into daily diets.

The training program featured Smt. Netravathi Ettinamani, Home Scientist at JSS KVK, who served as the key resource person. Smt. Ettinamani provided comprehensive guidance to the participants, sharing valuable insights on organic manure preparation, fertilizer creation in pots, soil and fertilizer mixtures, nutrient management, Anaerobic Composting, disease and pest prevention, utilization of traditional knowledge, and the preparation of various decoctions to prevent diseases and pests, such as Beejamrutha and Jeevamrutha. Her expertise empowered attendees to apply these techniques effectively.

Smt. Divya H.V., Senior Scientist and Incharge Head of the ICAR JSS KVK participated as a resource person

Smt. Divya H.V., Senior Scientist and Incharge Head of the ICAR JSS KVK, also actively participated as a resource person. She shared practical knowledge on nutrient-rich soil preparation, fertilizer composition, and the correct usage of organic methods. Her guidance provided participants with sustainable approaches to enhance their terrace gardening practices.

The online training program witnessed the participation of around 30 individuals eager to expand their knowledge and skills in terrace gardening.

2023-06-07T10:51:02+00:00November 8th, 2022|

Selected for State-level

Shanthakumar Hoogar, a 10th Standard student of the JSS High School, Suttur, participated in the District-level Vachana Recital competition organized by the Sri Guruputtaraja Sangeetha Sabha and has won. He has been selected to take part in the District-level competitions. Heads of various department of the school and teaching staff have congratulated him.

2022-11-08T12:04:41+00:00November 8th, 2022|

The Graduation Day (Vishikanupravesha) of students of JSS Ayurveda Medical College was held on 4th November 2022

The Graduation Day (Vishikanupravesha) of students of JSS Ayurveda Medical College was held on 4th November 2022 with the blessings of HH Mahaswamiji. Sri. B.S. Prasad, President, Board of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH was the Chief Guest. Dr CG Betsurmath, Executive Secretary, Sri R Mahesh, Director, Medical Education, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Dr Sarbheshwar Kar, Principal, JSS Ayurveda College and other dignitaries were present.

2022-11-05T07:38:33+00:00November 5th, 2022|