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HH Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji in USA

His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji visited the International Basava Kendra site, located at Mansfield, in Massachusetts, New England, on September 14. Kendra office-bearers Sri Channabasavagowda, Sri Eerappa Harabavi, Sri Rajanna Heggadahalli, Sri Prabhakar Chipyadi, Sri N.B. Patil and Sri Rajendra Mahadevappa, from New Jersey are seen in the picture.

2022-09-15T13:37:02+00:00September 15th, 2022|

107th Jayanthi Celebration of His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji at JSS Ayurveda Hospital

Mysuru, 12th September 2022: The 107th Jayanthi Mahotsav of the esteemed spiritual leader, His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, was celebrated with great fervor at JSS Ayurveda Hospital in Mysuru. The event, held on 12th September 2022, highlighted the notable contributions made by Mahaswamiji in the form of Akshara Dasoha, Anna Dasoha, and Arogya Dasoha.

Dr. B Suresh, Pro-Chancellor of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research (JSS AHER) and Director of TED, JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Mysuru, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He paid tribute to the extraordinary vision of Mahaswamiji, who transformed numerous noble ideas into reality in the fields of education, spirituality, and social service, leaving behind a remarkable legacy.

Speaking at the event, Dr. B Gurubasavaraja, Senior Consultant and Professor, shared his personal experiences and close association with Mahaswamiji. He praised the spiritual leader’s exceptional compassion for the underprivileged, mentioning how Mahaswamiji supported the poor and needy while providing food and shelter to thousands.

Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal and Medical Superintendent of JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, highlighted Mahaswamiji’s instrumental role in establishing educational institutions, hostels, and hospitals under the banner of JSS Mahavidyapeetha. These initiatives, known as Jnana Dasoha (Education), Anna Dasoha (Boarding and Lodging), and Aroghya Dasoha (Health Services), have led to comprehensive social development.

During the Jayanthi celebrations, a book titled “Text Book of Swastavritta” was released. Authored by Dr. P Sudhakar Reddy, Head of the Department and Professor of PG Studies in Swastavritta, and Dr. Beena, Department of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, the book is a valuable addition to the field of Ayurveda.

The grand event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of teaching faculties, consultants, administrative staff, interns, and undergraduate and postgraduate students of JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital. Following the festivities, a Maha Mangalarathi (auspicious ritual) was performed, and Prasada (sacred food) was distributed among the attendees.

The 107th Jayanthi Celebration of His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji served as a reminder of his profound impact in various domains and his tireless dedication to serving society.

2023-06-05T08:00:32+00:00September 15th, 2022|

Voluntary Blood Donation Campu Successfuly Organized at JSS Ayurveda Hospital

Mysuru, 13th Sept. 2022: In honor of the 107th Jayanthi celebration of Jagadguru Rajagurutilaka Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, the Department of PG Studies in Roganidana, in collaboration with the NSS Unit, Youth Red Cross Unit, and JSS Hospital, Mysuru, conducted a highly successful Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on 13th September 2022, Tuesday, at JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru.

The camp was inaugurated by Dr. Pallavi, the esteemed Chief Guest and Blood Bank Officer at JSS Hospital, Mysuru. In her address, she emphasized the significance of voluntary blood donation and commended the institution for organizing such blood donation camps every year. Dr. B. Gurubasavaraj also spoke about the importance of blood donation and its critical need in the current circumstances, motivating the staff and students to actively participate. Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal and Medical Superintendent of JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, highlighted how blood donation aligns with the concept of Arogya Dasoha (Health Services), one of the Trividha Dasoha, and expressed gratitude to Dr. Pallavi and her team from the Blood Bank Division of JSS Hospital for their support in organizing the camp. Consultants, teaching faculties, and administrative staff of the hospital, along with postgraduate scholars and undergraduate students of the college, were present at the event.

The program commenced with the chanting of Dhanvantari Stavana and the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the esteemed guest and dignitaries.

A total of 200 donors, comprising students and faculties, were screened during the camp, resulting in the successful collection of 50 units of blood.

Dr. Subhash Chandra Bose. M, Professor & Head of the Department of PG Studies in Roganidana, played a pivotal role in coordinating the program. The event was supported by Dr. Shashibindu, NSS Officer, and Dr. Santosh. V. R, Youth Red Cross Coordinator, both from JSS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mysuru.

The voluntary blood donation camp witnessed an overwhelming response, reflecting the generosity and commitment of the JSS Ayurveda community towards contributing to the noble cause of saving lives through blood donation.

2023-06-05T08:13:10+00:00September 15th, 2022|

“Richness by Heart is Indian Culture,” says His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji

Mysuru, September 14, 2022: His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji expressed his admiration for the rich and compassionate Indian culture during his participation in a Satsang program organized by the Veerashaiva Samaja in Boston, USA, on September 13.

In his blessings, His Holiness emphasized, “Indian culture is excellent and is characterized by the richness that stems from the heart. It is a culture that transcends boundaries and embraces love for all humanity. During the independence struggle, Mahatma Gandhiji advocated for nonviolent resistance, inspiring others to fight without weapons. He demonstrated that peace and nonviolence can achieve remarkable feats. Indians possess the power to win over the hearts of others. Even today, we witness wars fought to extend dynasties in the world. Similarly, we also engage in an internal battle against the challenges of our lives. To overcome these hurdles, we must embrace spirituality. Prayer grants us inner peace and helps us overcome obstacles. As human beings, we must learn to accept both failures and successes equally. We should strive to find contentment in what we have. God resides within and outside our souls, and realizing this truth enables us to achieve greatness.”

The Satsang program took place at the residence of Sri Rajanna and Smt. Pushpa. Retired Principal Prof. S. Mallanna delivered the introductory speech, while Sri Rudresh, President of VSNE, skillfully conducted the program. Kum. Prakruti presented an invocation, and devotional songs and bhajans were rendered by Sri Madhu Akkihebbal and Smt. Lakshmi Ramesh, accompanied by Sri Rajesh Pai and Sri Ramesh Yalakkishetty on musical instruments. Sri Rajendra and Sri R. Mahesh enlightened the audience about the journey of the JSS Spiritual Mission and upcoming projects. Spiritual seekers from various parts of New England actively participated in the event.

The presence and blessings of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji added a profound spiritual dimension to the Satsang program, which resonated with attendees and strengthened their connection to Indian culture and its inherent compassion.

2023-06-05T09:36:34+00:00September 15th, 2022|

“Indians: A Beacon of Welfare and Selflessness,” affirms His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji

Mysuru, September 14, 2022: His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji, of Sri Suttur Math, acknowledged the selfless nature of Indians, who possess an innate desire to contribute to the welfare of others, during his participation in a Satsang program organized by the Basava International Corporation in New York, USA, on September 11.

In his blessings, His Holiness reflected, “Basaveshwara, one of the world’s remarkable saints, continues to be remembered by people worldwide, which is truly admirable. Everyone aspires for perpetual happiness. India, being spiritually and culturally rich, owes its depth to the wisdom bestowed by our rishis, saints, and visionaries. It is our responsibility to pass on this knowledge to the next generation. It is heartening to witness that despite residing in foreign lands, people have ardently maintained their love for their culture and heritage, striving to further develop and preserve it. God has gifted us with the power of thought, which we should utilize to resolve the challenges we encounter in life. We face numerous dilemmas, but we must find equilibrium and continue on our journey. Nijaguna Shivayogi taught us the art of balancing worldly and spiritual aspects, guiding our lives. Shankaracharya taught us that every task we undertake should be seen as a service to God, for it is then that our service becomes truly selfless.”

During the program, Sri Ravi Bopalapura, President of Xavier School of Medicine, and Dr. Anil Patil elucidated the activities of the JSS Spiritual Mission, seeking the cooperation and support of all attendees to sustain these endeavors. Smt. Satya Vishwanath pledged to contribute in whatever capacity she could. Sri Kumar Rajashekar and Sri Sanjath Soolakunte shared insights into the journey of the JSS Spiritual Mission and unveiled future projects.

Prior to the stage program, His Holiness visited the Sri Mahavallabha Ganapathi temple, where he received a warm welcome from President Smt. Usha Mysurkar, committee office-bearers, and priests, who greeted him with poornakumbha. Smt. Usha Mysurkar provided His Holiness with an overview of the temple’s activities.

Smt. Swaroopa Chinnappala extended a warm welcome, and an invocation was presented by the students. The program was expertly conducted by Sri Sudheendra.

The presence and blessings of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji added profound spiritual significance to the Satsang program, fostering a deep appreciation for the selflessness and welfare-oriented mindset that characterizes the Indian community.

2023-06-05T09:41:16+00:00September 15th, 2022|

“Embrace Introversion for Inner Purity,” Encourages His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikenda Mhaswamiji

Mysuru, September 14, 2022: His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji enlightened the audience about the transformative power of introversion, leading to the purification of inner souls, during his participation in a Satsang program organized by the Veerashaiva Samaja in New Jersey, America, on September 10.

In his blessings, His Holiness reflected, “Music, dance, and sculptures have an inherent ability to captivate human attention, bringing joy to our minds and souls, often unbeknownst to us. As individuals, we strive for happiness and a comfortable life, which is a universal aspiration. However, life presents us with a mixture of challenges and moments of happiness. While external happiness is important, it pales in comparison to the significance of internal happiness. Through prayers, meditation, and engaging in devotional practices such as offering pooja, individuals can discover true inner happiness. When individuals become introverts, they have the opportunity to experience genuine contentment. It is a matter of great pride to acknowledge that our rishis and saints possessed profound insights into the universal truths of the world. Indians have acquired knowledge of numerous scientific truths through their divine wisdom. It is essential for everyone to purify their souls, maintain steadfastness, and dedicate themselves to their work. One should strive without attachment to outcomes, fostering a devotion-driven mindset. Through sincere prayers and dedication, individuals can establish a profound connection with the Almighty.”

During the program, VSNJ President Sri Omkarmurthy Murundi, Brindavana Kannada Sangha President Smt. Padmini, and HSBB Vice-President Dr. Babu Kilare Veeregowda provided insights into the Sri Math and JSS Institutions. Sri Kumar Rajashekar and Sri Sanjath Soolakunte shared the remarkable journey of the JSS Spiritual Mission, shedding light on future projects. The gathering was warmly welcomed by Smt. Anu Kuravatti, and an invocation was melodiously rendered by Trisha and Jiya Hulikere. Sachi Nimbekayi recited the Lingashtakam, and a captivating flute recital was presented by Manya Kavi. Sowmya Jagaluru enthralled the audience with a mesmerizing mass bhajan performance, while Biyanka Radhakrishna showcased her talent through a Bharatanatyam dance program. The program was expertly conducted by Sri Shivshankar Sanikoppa.

The presence and blessings of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji added profound spiritual significance to the Satsang program, inspiring individuals to embrace introversion as a means to attain inner purity.

2023-06-05T10:00:18+00:00September 15th, 2022|

“Embrace Spiritual Achievement alongside Worldly Life,” Urges His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji

Mysuru, September 7, 2022: His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji emphasized the importance of engaging in spiritual achievement alongside worldly pursuits during his address at the Satsang program held in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, on September 3.

His Holiness acknowledged the efforts of individuals from various parts of India who have migrated to the United States for employment and are dedicated to promoting Indian culture and traditions. Their noble endeavors have contributed to the strengthening of Indian values and heritage in their new surroundings. Hinduism, encompassing inclusivity and universality, has bestowed upon the world the timeless truth of “Sarve Janaha Sukhinobhavantu” (Let everyone live happily). To attain spiritual achievements, individuals must lead a life of purity and constantly remember God, dedicating time daily for meditation and pooja alongside their other activities. The inner life is as significant as the physical life, and individuals should strive to focus their minds on spiritual goals. The establishment of temples in the United States, along with endeavors such as renovation projects and the establishment of goshalas (cow sanctuaries), exemplify the symbols of Indian heritage. Sri Purushottam, through his commendable efforts with the S-3 Foundation, has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about organic farming, establishing goshalas, promoting meditation, conducting special poojas and homas, and more.

The program commenced with a warm welcome note by Sri Prakash Valagupudi, Chairman of the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, who also emphasized the significance of a guru. Sri Purushottam, Chairman of the S-3 Foundation, expressed gratitude to His Holiness for accepting the invitation and participating, while providing a brief overview of the activities of Sri Math and the institution. Sri Kumar Rajashekar explained the initiatives of the JSS Spiritual Mission and the ongoing construction of the proposed temple. Dr. Sajjan Shiva, Sri Jayaranedra, Alamatti Sri Rudramunidevaru, along with spiritual aspirants from across Tennessee and devoted attendees, actively participated in the Satsang.

2023-06-05T10:13:36+00:00September 15th, 2022|

Training Program on Five Formulas for Sustainable Agriculture in Watershed Areas Successfully Organized by ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra and BAIF

Suttur, September 14, 2022: The ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Suttur, in collaboration with the Bhartiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF), Hunsur, successfully conducted a two-day training program on the topic of “Five Formulas for Sustainable Agriculture in Watershed Areas.” The program witnessed the participation of approximately 60 farmers, both men and women, from Hunsur taluk.

During the training program, Sri Shamraj, Cultivation Scientist at JSS KVK, provided valuable insights on the development of watershed areas and shared techniques for improved cultivation in rainfed regions. He emphasized the significance of soil preservation and advised the participants to construct absorption pits and contour pits along slope areas to prevent soil erosion. Highlighting the importance of seed selection and storage, Sri Shamraj also encouraged the adoption of mechanization in farming to address labor-related challenges in agriculture.

As part of the training, the participants had the opportunity to visit the KVK demonstration units, goshala (cow shelter), integrated horticulture systems developed on half-acre land, and jeevamrutha manufacturing units. These visits enabled them to gather practical knowledge and information regarding sustainable agricultural practices.

The training program received active participation from the staff members of JSS KVK and BAIF, contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of the initiative.

The ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra and BAIF remain committed to empowering farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable agriculture practices in watershed areas. Such training programs serve as a platform for farmers to learn and adopt innovative techniques that contribute to the overall welfare and development of the agricultural sector.

2023-06-05T10:20:37+00:00September 14th, 2022|

JSS High School, Suttur

Manjunath, Omprakash Mehato, students of the JSS High School, Suttur, participated in the district-level rural IT Quiz 2022 competitions organized by the Department of Public Instructions, Mysore and won. They have been selected to participate in the Divisional-level competition. Headmaster and trainer of the school are seen with the winners, in this picture.

2022-09-08T12:38:18+00:00September 8th, 2022|