Paddy Field Day in Suttur Promotes Profitable Seed Production

||Paddy Field Day in Suttur Promotes Profitable Seed Production

Paddy Field Day in Suttur Promotes Profitable Seed Production

Suttur, December 10, 2018: The ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra organized a highly informative and engaging event called ‘Kshetrotsava’ (Paddy Field Day) at the Hoskote village in Nanjangud Taluk. This event aimed to provide valuable insights to farmers and promote the adoption of RNR 15048 paddy variety seeds and bio-fertilizers for enhanced seed production.

The ICAR JSS Krishi Vignyan Kendra (ICAR JSS KVK) distributed RNR 15048 paddy variety seeds and bio-fertilizers to selected farmers who had completed training in June 2018 for seed treatment. These farmers successfully cultivated paddy using the distributed seeds, leading to the organization of the Paddy Variety RNR 15048 crop Kshetrotsava (Field Day) at the paddy field of beneficiary Sri S. Prabhuswamy.

During the event, Sri Prabhuswamy shared his experiences and demonstrated how he achieved a bountiful paddy crop with minimal disease and pest concerns. He expressed confidence in the RNR 15048 variety, which he said guarantees a minimum yield of 23-25 quintals while being resistant to rice blast disease.

Smt. H. V. Divya, Scientist at ICAR JSS KVK, provided valuable information about the RNR 15048 paddy seeds, highlighting their 120-day duration and their superior yield compared to other small paddy varieties.

The program was inaugurated by Sri M. Chandrashekar, Managing Partner of Agro Life Sciences. He emphasized the importance of seed production measures and encouraged farmers to enter into agreements before commencing seed production. Sri Chandrashekar’s company offered to purchase good quality paddy at a price of Rs. 2,400 per quintal, providing an additional Rs. 200 above the market price for cleaned and dry produce. He also expressed the possibility of facilitating agreements and purchasing higher-priced produce for a group of 10-15 farmers interested in seed production. Farmers were advised to contact ICAR JSS KVK or his company for further details.

Dr. Arun Balamatti, Chief Scientist at ICAR JSS Krishi Vigyan Kendra, emphasized the potential for higher profits through smart seed selection and the use of efficient equipment such as drum seeders. He encouraged farmers to consider seed production as it offers increased returns, potentially yielding Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000 more profit per acre compared to traditional methods.

Progressive farmer Sri Gurulingegowda shared his positive experience of cultivating the RNR 15048 paddy variety using a drum seeder. Other farmers from Kalmalli Basavaraju, Biligere Aradhya, Jeemaralli Guruprasad, Hoskote Chikkamadushetty, and Prabhuswamy also expressed their interest in undertaking seed production in the future.

Sri Brejnew of TVS Company announced plans to provide drum seeders to assist farmers with the sowing process.

Over 45 farmers from surrounding villages actively participated in the program, gaining valuable knowledge and insights. Smt. Netravathi Yettinamani, Scientist at ICAR JSS KVK, warmly welcomed the gathering, while progressive farmer Sri Prabhuswamy delivered the vote of thanks. Smt. H. V. Divya, Scientist at ICAR JSS KVK, skillfully compered the program.
