Over 3000 Students of JSS Residential School, Suttur, Receive Special Prasada Distribution Sponsored by Sri D.B. Rajashekaramurthy

Sri D.B. Rajashekaramurthy generously sponsored a special Prasada distribution for more than 3000 students of JSS Residential School during the Mysore Rotary North Division Assembly meeting held at Suttur. The event saw the presence of Rotary District Governor Sri Ravindra Bhat, JSS Residential School officials, and department heads. The aim was to provide spiritual nourishment to the students and foster their well-being. The collaboration between Sri D.B. Rajashekaramurthy, the Mysore Rotary North Division Assembly, and JSS Residential School exemplifies their commitment to the students’ development. This act of kindness creates a positive environment for the students, ensuring their holistic growth. Gratitude was expressed by the school for Sri D.B. Rajashekaramurthy’s significant contribution. The event was captured in a memorable photograph showcasing the collective dedication of all participants.
