Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Patanjali Yoga Sutras is a collection of aphorisms (a concise statement on a principle that expresses wisdom or truth) on the practice of Yoga in Sanskrit language. It is said to have been compiled by Sage Patanjali centuries ago. The Yoga Sutras are divided into four chapters and spread over 196 aphorisms. Sri Siddheswara Swamiji of Jnanayogashrama, Vijayapura has written commentary on these aphorisms in a simple and lucid manner. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and Swami Ramdev of Patanjali Yogapeeth have shared their messages about the book.
Product Details
Publisher: Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Granthamale
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price: Ordinary Rs. 300; Special Rs. 500
Author: Sri Siddheshwara Swamiji
Price: Ordinary Rs. 300; Special Rs. 500